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New Marketing Buzz Word- "Pet Friendly"
- Stacie Jones Huckebas

The idea of "niche marketing" is becoming increasingly common within the real estate industry. Agents are starting to specialize in various areas, including first-time buyers, non-English speaking buyers and seniors.

A growing number of property professionals are starting to brand themselves as "pet-friendly." This is in response to a recent study that shows that 63% of American households are pet owners.

Pet owners place features such as large yards, and condo complexes that allow pets more at the top of their lists when searching for a new home. Clients will often not consider a property that will not or cannot serve the needs of their pets.

There is a change beginning to take place though. An increasing number of rental units and condominium complexes are allowing pets; even going so far as to offer owners pet-sitting services and dog walkers. Savvy agents are looking for such services to better serve their client's needs.

Linda Lamb, an agent with the Pet Realty Network in Chicago feels that home buyers are looking for a connection of sorts with their agent. Linda's business card photo includes her pet in it.

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