Tim Tim

Mikey at the Movies

Cross Law and Order with the Exorcist and you find a gripping court room drama based on a true story called The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The story based on the life of Anneliese Michel and her attempted exorcism that took place in the 70's in Germany. Americanized, the story became a movie that is something that took me away from my DVD player and forced me into a theater for the first time in months.

From the faithful to the skeptical, the screenplay looks at the both sides of her story, and makes a case for the supernatural beyond what we can see in front of us. The story is well written, well acted, and very believeable from the standpoint of both sides, science and faith based. Rose is believed to be possessed by six demons including Lucifer, Hitler and Judas Iscariot. Despite her death from the exorcism, the story carries a feel good message that most Christians will cling too, and one that nay sayers will say, I told you so. I urge everyone that loves drama, horror, supernatural and spirtual thrillers to see this movie. There is something for everyone, and at three A. M., I'll be watching my clock with an inkling of nightmare of my own.

The medical examiner would call the death malnutrition and self-mutilation from an epileptic fit, the faith based will call it the work of the devil in the flesh. See this movie for yourself and decide; William J. Friedkin, of Exorcist fame, would insist you do. This is the best horror based movie I've see in years, and I hope you take the time out of your busy life to see this movie, it is worth the money and the time. Until next time, Mikey.